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What is a Business Improvement District?After a successful poll in December 2016 the Tawa Business Improvement District (BID) was established to provide the foundation for a strong business association to represent Tawa that is sustainably funded through a reasonable targeted rate on businesses and commercial properties within a BID boundary. The BID will use its funding for the betterment of the Tawa town centre - for example- collective marketing efforts, advocating for further investment into Tawa from stakeholders such as the Wellington City Council or addressing shared issues such as graffiti, poorly presented retail space or crime within the BID area. The targeted rate is collected by the Wellington City Council (WCC) and passed on to the Tawa Business Group, who runs the BID activities and projects. This fund is managed by the Tawa Business Group for the benefit of the town centre on projects, promotions and advocacy designed to attract locals and visitors into Tawa. Tawa Business Group currently has 72 property owners and over 160 businesses within the BID area.
How will this benefit me as a business owner/tenant?Potential extra sales through increased foot traffic An opportunity to join activities that create a vibrant and successful town centre The ability to contribute to your own business success through a strong Business Group that has a unified voice with WCC and other key stakeholders. An improved relationship between Tawa and WCC by working with council on town enhancement projects
How will this benefit me as a property owner?A successful Tawa business community can enhance tenant attraction and property values, leading to better rental dividends
Where does the Targeted Rate money go?Into a fund managed by the Tawa Business Group executive committee.
What is the money spent on?Implementing initiatives set out in a strategic Business Plan developed by the Tawa Business Group with member input, the money will be spent on projects and promotions to attract people to Tawa. The Tawa Business Group is independent of the council and does not duplicate WCC functions. The Council has an oversight role rather than playing an active role in implementing the group's plan.
Do I get a say in how this all works?Yes. Both business owners and property owners have the opportunity to attend discussion forums and meetings that shape the Group's strategic plan.
What is my involvement in the business association?Ultimately, you decide how much you want to participate. All property owners and businesses within the BID area automatically become members of the Association and can vote to elect the Tawa Business Group's executive committee, which will meet regularly. All members may put forward a representative to be nominated for election to the committee.
When will I pay my levy?The levy will be included in your quarterly rates bill.
How do I know what happens with my levy?Annual accounts will be presented at the Tawa Business Group's AGM and newsletters are sent to members every two months. WCC plays an oversight role to ensure the activities of the BID Association are properly managed within the intention and scope of the BID policy.
Have any other districts adopted the BID model?Yes, it has been widely implemented in small towns and city suburbs, and has been very successful throughout NZ. Wellington has established six BIDs so far – Destination KRL (Kilbirnie, Rongotai and Lyall Bay), Khandallah, Karori and Enterprise Miramar Peninsula and Johnsonville. There are over 50 Business Improvement Districts in the Auckland Council Region alone. The BID model is recognised internationally as a sustainable approach for creating a strong representative group for a business community not dependent on the efforts of a few passionate volunteers.

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